Proceedings of the 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association Forum Acusticum 2023 Politecnico di Torino Torino, Italy September 11 - 15, 2023 |
Abstract The interaction between the bow and the bowed string has been analysed through numerous experimental and theoretical approaches, including the use of artificial bowing setups. In this study, with the objective of providing an experimental setup in which the string is bowed under realistic conditions, a robotic arm is used to reproduce the bow motion during cello playing. The first step of the methodology is to record the motion of the bow using optical motion capture. To that aim, an experienced cellist performs using a bow equipped with reflective markers while the cello is fixed on a platform. The recorded 3D motion of the bow, i.e., its position and inclination during playing, is then transformed into the coordinate system of the robotic arm. Hence, the robot can be instructed to reproduce the trajectories of the bow. Several bowing patterns, including various articulation techniques, have been reproduced using this approach. The current paper analyses the adequacy of this methodology for the study of cello bowing techniques. |